Innovate. Create.
Manufacturing is the backbone of the economy, and with Illinois in the top ten states for manufacturing companies and careers, innovation begins here. Come take a look for yourself.

Ideal Industries, Inc.
Ideal Industries, Inc. is known as a premier manufacturer of products that serve professional tradesmen including electricians, plumbers, auto mechanics and general maintenance mechanics.

Tate & Lyle
We make healthy food tastier and tasty food healthier. Our work is driven by consumer health needs and trends, governments desire to build and support healthy communities, and the need for affordable food and nutrition in many parts of the world. We deliver ingredients and solutions to meet all these needs.

Alfredo’s Iron Works, Inc.
Alfredo’s Iron Works specializes in ornamental, structural and architectural metal fabrication, being able to work almost any kind of metal, such as: steel, galvanized steel, vinyl coated steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, etc.

Auto Meter Products, Inc.
Auto Meter Products, Inc. is a high technology company based in Sycamore, IL USA, with a state-of-the-art cellular manufacturing.

Banner Up Signs, Promotions and Apparel
Banner Up Signs is a sign production and fabrication facility located in Sycamore.

Cresswood Shredding Machinery
Cresswood Shredding Machinery designs and manufactures world-class grinders built for long-lasting success in extreme environments.

CST Storage
CST Industries, Inc., is the complete storage system provider for engineering and manufacturing professionals in various industries with thousands of applications throughout the world.

Custom Aluminum Products
Custom Aluminum Products is a family owned and operated business that is recognized as a leader in the aluminum extrusion industry.

Elgiloy Specialty Metals
ESM is a manufacturer of Standard & Custom Specialty Metals & Alloys Including High Performance Alloy Strip & Wire.

Forge Resources Group, LLC
Dekalb Forge has been the production bedrock that Forge Resources Group relies on for the large hammer-produced forgings since 1988.

LEDiL Inc.
LEDiL, Inc.’s state-of-the-art optical solutions help create light that enhances wellbeing, functionality, safety and sustainability.

Manufactured Packaging Products
Manufactured Packaging Products offers a wide variety of high-quality custom and stock corrugated products to customers in the United States and Mexico.

Production Cutting Services, Inc.
PCS offers customers a wide range of metal processing capabilities to ensure on time delivery of the right part at the right time.

Suter Company
The Suter Company works hand-in-hand with customers to produce signature and proprietary prepared foods based upon each customer’s unique needs.

Vision Pickling & Processing
Vision Pickling and Processing is the largest batch pickling facility in North America.

Whiskey Acres Distilling Co.
Whiskey Acres produces up to 70,000 bottles of bourbon, rye, corn whiskey, vodka and an artisan series of small-batch bourbons.